March 20, 2012 in The SceneKing
This article will be about scene jewelry.Scene jewelry is often kiddish, whimsical,and cute,but it can also be dressy and serious.So here’s my tips.
When your just going to school its ok to were little cute robots or pandas,whatever you prefer, especially if you have uniform.You can show off your own style without getting in trouble.I suggest you pick out your outfit 1st.Then you choose a color that is in your outfit.If your shirt has say..a radio on it your necklace doesn’t have to be a radio,mix it up.Choose jewelry the color you chose.And be happy with what you were.
When you are taking pictures for a sitemodleing site,or just your FB,you will want to dress up more,but you don’t have to keeping it simple is cool also.Don’t let all your jewelry match,and don’t were 1 color were lots.But don’t were so much jewelry were you feel like your heads about to fall off,its so heavy, it’ll show through in your pictures.
Finally my last section,dressing up.When you dress up you should try pastels and neutrals,but don’t loose your style cuz your dressing up.Were studded rings,bracelet,ect.Or were a cute little headband with a rose on it.Don’t were to much glitter,or studs,people will think your trying to hard.Just were enough to catch someones eye.
Remember keep your own style,be you don’t think you have to be a certain way if you wanna be scene add your own thoughts and ideas. 🙂
OliviaOverkill said on May 21, 2012
You’re gorgeous! :*