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SQ Model Proof Saynexic

September 30, 2013 in Oct 2013 SQ Models

NO HEAT CURLS Supplies: Old Tee Shirt Hairspray Shower cap Hair Brush Hair Ties Scissors To-do: Put your hair in 3 sections, and tie them up with hair ties. Then cut your old tee shirt into 2 inch length, one inch thick strips. Gather up a small bit of hair, and get a strip of the tee shirt, and roll it up with your hair, at the end tie it up. Continue doing this with your hole head, keep it in for 4 hours, or put a shower cap on an keep it in over night, put them out in the morning, then your done! -Saynexic

SQ Model Proof

September 30, 2013 in Oct 2013 SQ Models

SQ Model Proof Infinite-Rachel

September 30, 2013 in Oct 2013 SQ Models


I believe that the scene look is a very outgoing look and lets people show their true selves. It is kind of like making the music they listen to become real in their own unique style. I have always wanted to be a Scene Queen since I was 11, and now that I’m turning 16 soon I decided it was time to sign up. The scene look was always something I was interested in, because of one of my best friends. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be into this look. I was always insecure about my looks, but as soon as I tried this look it clicked, that this look was for me. I always have wanted to be a Scene Queen, but I always thought I wasn’t cut out for it. It’s always been a dream of mine for the past five years, now this is my one chance for this. Scene is me!

Upload your photos to the SK

September 20, 2013 in The SceneKing

The link –



September 18, 2013 in The SceneKing

゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚* ♡ ~Supplies!~ ♡ Have ready bobby pins, scrunchies, clips, ect. to hold your hair in place. Of cource your gonna need a razor comb (hair razor) &;hair scissors, please use Hair scissors not the craft scissors because those arn’t sharp enough. You can get these supplies in your local stores or by going to some hair salons or hair stores. ☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚* ♡ ~Lets Get Started!(≧ω≦) Wash your hair before hand to remove any chemicals &;towel dry your hair untill its damp. Part your hair into, about, how many layers you want, usually three parts. The longest layer is usually above your ear and below. Comb out any knots then start thining it out with your razor comb (hair razor) carefully. The longest layer(bottom layer) is the thinest layer and the straightest, so i suggest you buy a good straightener. (Chi, GHD, InStyler, ect.) When your done cutting it, tie it to one side so you dont mess with it. Let your next layer down ,which should be below your temple. Comb it &;cut it around 2 cm shorter. If you have split ends cut them with the scissors, dont worry if it comes out a straight cut just use the razor for that choppy look. Let your bottom hair loose &;comb the two layers tougether. ~No bodys perfect, if you see some mistakes adjust them. Tie the two layers to one side so you won’t mess with them. Let the top layer down and comb it. Use clips to make your hair blended and layered. Also clip your bangs &;use the hair scissors first &;cut them sideways, then use the razor for that choppy look. Finally let your two tied bottom layers loose &;brush hair tougether. If you see some mistakes adjust to perfection[x ☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚* ♡ ~Warnings, Tips &;Stuff Like That…★ DON’TS: -Don’t tease everyday! ^o^ Your hair gets damaged &;starts to thin out slowly. There’s other ways of getting that volumous hair. -Don’t overuse hair spray! Remember spray 6in. from hair if you do use. -Don’t use hair wax alot! Its not good for your hair &;it can damage it. -Don’t Straighten hair every day! Day by day your hair gets dry &;brittle…who wants that? -Don’t dye your hair too much! Plus the teasing, hairspray &;Straightening your hair can get super unhealthy! ): DOS: -Do wash your hair regularly! your hair has natural oils that you want to keep, so wash every other day. Remember to use a good shampoo and conditioner.(Terax Collagene Shampoo, Terax Crema Conditioner.Defense Pre-Style Thermal/UV Protectant. Defense Pre-Style Thermal/UV Protectant.*Chi Silk Infusion*) -Do put on heat protector before straightening hair! Helps your hair get less damaged from straightener. ~★JUST REMEMBER★~: -You Are You &;Your style Is Your style. you dont actually have to shop at hollister or pacsun. you can even shop at a thrift store &;get cute vintage clothing! so just be you and no body else(:


Amanda Panda

September 18, 2013 in The SceneKing

What scene means to me. Scene style is like a way of expressing yourself. A group of people all have the same views of expressing emotions, thoughts, everything going on in our lives. We choose to be different and have individuality. Sure we all dress somewhat alike. But we are all individuals that want to express ourselves with our clothing and bodies. Nobody is the same. Nobody is perfect. So we express our flaws and perfections with our clothes and bodies. Everyone else doesn’t. We don’t care what people think of us. We are who we are. We cant change how we are just for others.


Nahdia Narcotic

September 18, 2013 in The SceneKing

How To Take Good Pictures! 1. Have a nice camera! Doesn’t have to be too expensive and some excellent photos can be taken with your phone as well! (Depending on your phone) 2. Set your camera on a timer! No pictures in the mirror! And this way, you’ll have time to do a cute pose! 3. Dress it up! Makeup, hair, nails…look your best! 4. Use props! Stuffed animals, makeup items…even food can be props! But no cheeseburgers! haha. 5. Just have fun and smile! You’re beautiful! Hope this helped out! ^_^



September 10, 2013 in Sep 2013 Articles

How to scream/Growl/False Chord:

Things you’ll need – A ton of water. A lot of time And some songs to do it to. I learned by barking at a dog, But how you do it it, 1.)Chug a ton of water. 2.) Take a deep breath 3.)Push out air from your stomach, making a “Roooooar’ noise. 4.)Practice a shit ton. NEVER use your throat.



September 9, 2013 in The SceneKing

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SCENE QUEENS® – Amy Shadows

September 4, 2013 in Sep 2013 Articles



—How to do blue smokey eye makeup—

1)apply bright blue eyeshadow on both eye lids 2)apply a darker shade of blue eyeshadow in the crease of your eye lids 3)apply black eyeshadow at the crease of your eye lid near the end wear your eyeliner meets 4)apply dark blue eyeliner on top of your eye n aplly eyeliner half way on the bottom of your eye along your waterline 5)apply fake eyelashes(optional)