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    Hi I am Luna, and Well I wanna write about many things like what it means to me to be Scene. What it means to me to be Scene is that you can express yourself threw the way you dress an do your hair or the […]

  • Profile picture of sceneking and are now friends 9 years, 7 months ago

  • Profile picture of sceneking and are now friends 9 years, 7 months ago

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    Hiya its mehxD, im Melaney Blayze and the most important thing about doing this is because ive always wanted to be heard from just anybody that’s what being scene means right? it means being notics, […]

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    Hey! My name is Morgan and I thought I would do this little thing. I’m overly nice and I like bands!

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    If you’re looking into joining the scene/indie/alternative lifestyle and you’re worried about getting judged well then don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter what those judgers say or think about your look […]

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    Hai, I am Alaska Oceane, I am twenty two years old. I am bisexual and fucking proud. I was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada! I am happily in a relationship with Lexi-Jayy Rosalie Salvatore &;lt;3 I got […]

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    How to two tone dye your hair with blonde on top/black on bottom. what you will need: ~black hair dye (any brand) ~hair bleach (i prefer Splat) ~rubber gloves (you can buy them at a dollar store, plus the hair […]

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    Hi my name is Whitney 🙂 I’m really nice and love meeting new people! I sing and dance a lot! If you wanna know more just ask 🙂

  • ThumbnailHow to not get dye marks So first figure out what your doing (coon tails, your whole head, streaks, ect.) Then get either petroleum jelly or conditioner and either line your hairline and part of your forehead for […]

  • The Judgers- So yeah, people will judge you if you decide to become scene/emo/Goth But, why? It’s actually a really plain reason. They JUDGE you, because they don’t like your style. Kind of outrageous right? The fact that people will HATE if they don’t like the way you ACT or LOOK. A simple tip from me? Don’t listen to them. I know you’re saying, “That’s easy though.” Oh boy, you are totally wrong. One way or another, you’re going to give in and listen. You’re not going to immediately “accept” it. You’ll have some troubles and a few times you may get down or stressed. However, you just keep being YOU. Just think for a moment, WHO is controlling you? NO ONE but YOU. Who has the right to judge you? NO ONE. Heck, you shouldn’t even judge yourself! ~Some friendly advice :3


  • ColorTouch-1388698644478How to tease your hair: before you get to teasing make sure you have what you need: hair spray,teasing comb,clips Before you start teasing, make sure your hair is straightened,curled,ect. To your desired look. Now let’s start teasing. 1. Brush out your hair an clip up any hair that you are not teasing at the moment. For a bigger poof, separate your hair into smaller sections. For a smaller poof, separate your hair into bigger sections. 2. Spray your section of hair with hair spray an start to tease(back comb) your hair to your desired look. Repeated with each section. 3. Smooth out your hair so no knots are showing. ***TIP*** do NOT tease your hair everyday as It will lead to hair damage. ***TIP*** if you are going to tease your hair, get a nice repairing shampoo that with help seal split ends an repair your hair. This is not needed, but I do recommend it.


  • I love heavy metal and I’m a crazy wild scene chick that loves to party XD

    Aviary Photo_130482285430036671

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    How to dye your hair BRIGHT!!! 1. Bleach hair if dark 2. Apply desired colour or colours 3. Leave in for the time allocated on the packaging 4. Wash out and dry and style your hair 5. Enjoy!!

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