You are browsing the archive for 2012 May.

My Hair, suggestions?

May 24, 2012 in The SceneKing

Hai, i’m Olivia pleased to meet you. 😀 right so i have natural blonde hair and i do NOT want to dye it any other colour, i already have a side fridge but i was wondering if i should get some really choppy layers put into it to make it more interesting and easier to tease.. opinons?

May 2012 Articles – DearDiamondInsanity

May 21, 2012 in May 2012 Articles

okie,so um hi my names Diamondc:
i belive everyones unique scene to me,is just being who you are.The
way i look may freak people out but,its who i am i wil NOT change for
anyone.Be who you are dont try to be someone your
not its not very fun i know how it feels too try and fit in.Like Lady
Gaga says: “Dont hide yourself in regret just love yourself and your set”


May 18, 2012 in The SceneKing

May 2012 SQ Models – Mallory Plainsong

May 14, 2012 in May 2012 SQ Models

May 2012 Articles – Nancyattacksmonsters

May 14, 2012 in May 2012 Articles

scene for me is a style in which you could express yourself. although
alot of people think Scene is the same as Emo but its really not. in
the style Emo its more dark colors. Scene is more bright colors. alot
of people say that kids that are Scene are just trying to get
attention when really most of the Scene kids dont. its just how they
are, the way they show themselves to the world. and ima help keep the
Scene pride alive! 🙂


May 13, 2012 in The SceneKing


sq2 from scene king on Vimeo.

Untitled from scene king on Vimeo.

SQ Model May

May 13, 2012 in May 2012 SQ Models

SQ Proof

May 13, 2012 in The SceneKing

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Pretty SQ Proof

May 10, 2012 in The SceneKing

Fierce SQ Proof

May 10, 2012 in The SceneKing