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Autumn Essence

March 22, 2012 in January 2012 Articles

 How to cut scene bangs:3

To cut your bangs, wash your hair and comb it straight out in the front of your eyes while your hair is still wet. make an even, horizontal part across your head where the bangs start. A line further back creates thicker bangs.
Start cutting wherever you want to. You can have “Cousin It” hair on one side and short bangs on the other half, or a gradual sloping transition with a sharp angle downward at the peak…Scene hair welcomes oddities. Just make sure you like it and it agrees with your face.
You can cut straight across for a blunt look, or you can create straight-across yet smooth bangs by making another part closer to your forehead and cutting this layer a little bit shorter than the first, so it will lighten up the overall look. (you can layer any kind of bangs like this)
You can also make the bangs look choppy by feathering. To feather with a regular pair of scissors (not as effective as a featherer like they use in salons), hold the scissors pointing straight up and snip vertically. I don’t know why this works but it does.
To have bangs that are swept to the side, make them longer.
you can cut at an angle this way, or you can cut shorter bangs at an angle

NancySooSweet Hernandez

March 22, 2012 in January 2012 Articles

For me ‘Scene’ is a personality. Its being someone you are in the inside and showing it to the world from the outside of you. Alot of people may think its Emo but I dont think so. Scenes seem more brighter and colorful. Also happier. And people may talk about our hair and clothes but we dont care because thats who we are and no one can change that. We keep our pride alive! 🙂 Scene Pride! ^-^

RaeLynn Rampage

March 22, 2012 in January 2012 Articles

-How to be scene-

1. Being scene is all about being yourself.
“Scene” would just be another word for ‘being you’.

All it takes to be yourself is to fully express it. Make your own clothing, express how you feel with certain types of colors when doing your makeup, ect.
Everyone that’s never heard of ‘scene’ will probably find you as a very different type of person but the ones that know about this ‘scene’ will appreciate your expression.

RaeLynn Rampage

March 22, 2012 in January 2012 Articles

how to get a scene eye look

1. dark or super bright eye shadow
2. mascare
3. black eye liner

(you can either do your eye shadow first or your eye liner. I usually do my eye liner.) start with doing your eyeliner dark on top or bottom to the ends of your eye then make a “tail” on you outside. Ex. A straigh line out or a curve up like a “cat eye” look

Take your dark or super bright eye shadow and apply how you wish to have it & try to make sure that its noticable. (if you can make your color(s) fade up towards your brow for a really pretty effect.)

Apply your mascara & you should me done.

Cat Phoenix

March 22, 2012 in January 2012 Articles

Scene Hair = Easy.
You can dye your hair crazy colors; nothing wrong with solid colors. Or the alternative to that; Extensions, if your parents won’t allow the hair dye.
Also, you need bangs. Should typically hang in the eyes, like a sidesweep, if not, it’s okay. Coontails are optional, not necessary. Scene is basically just about being yourself, because everyone is unique. Whatever you choose to do to your hair, tease it, dye it, cut it, etc., it’s all things that you want, not what others want. So just let it come to you naturally. :3

Miranda Massacre

March 22, 2012 in January 2012 Articles

 Ohaii there! I’m Miranda and I am truely 14. xD To me,”scene” is just another label in the book.I try not to use labels.They’re irritating.But basically,I do not think of myself as “scene”,but just another person in this world.People who are “scene” usually have teased hair,with black makeup or some creative makeup,such as cheetah print,and wear band/cartoon/neon color clothes.Some wear mostly black or even fancy clothes.They shop at Hot Topic,Clair’s,Icing,or any place like that.I don’t know what to put here so baiibaii. :3

Gina TroubleMakerr

March 22, 2012 in January 2012 Articles

If Youu wanna know how I do my eyeliner, tell me ;D

Ryan Reckless

March 22, 2012 in January 2012 Articles

How to do scene make-up:

1. Base.- Choose a base that fits the skin tone you want. Wheather you want it to be pale or tan.

2. Eyeshadow- Choose very bright and fun colored eyeshadow. Choose ones that fit you and your personality.

3. Eyeliner- Choose eyeliner of any color you want. It can be any color and you can put on top and bottom or just bottom. You can also do fun designs with your eyeliner on the side of your eyes.

4. Mascara- Pick a mascara that you like and makes your eyelashes big and bold. You can also do false eyelashes.

5. Bronzer and Blush- Put a little bit of bronzer and blush on your cheeks to make you cheeks a little pink . If you don’t like bronzer and blush you dont have to use it. It’s just for fun.

6. Lip Gloss- Pick a fun and sparkly lip gloss that makes your lips pop.

If you want you can add little touches that you would like. You don’t have to do all these things. If you do not like wearing blush or anything you don’t have to.

Emily Essence

March 22, 2012 in January 2012 Articles

I am going to tell you how to do your “scene” makeup. What you will need: -Black pencil eyeliner.-Black eyeshadow.-Black liquid liner.-Pale lip gloss.-Black or blue mascara.-Foundation. Now that you have your materials, lets begin! 🙂

Since scene kids have a perfect complection, unless you have absolutely no blemishes (pimples, bags, redness, etc.), you need to apply foundation. This step is optional since not every body needs foundation…but if you have a lot of blemishes, I suggest you use foundation.
Now you need your pencil eyeliner. Make sure it’s black or it won’t have the same effect.Apply the eyeliner all over your eyelid and on the waterline where you would normally apply eyeliner.
Next you need your black eyeshadow. Apply the eyeshadow over the eyeliner, but make sure when you put it on your waterline, its not too thick.
Now it’s time for the liquid liner.Put on a thin line on the edge of your eyelid just above where your lashes are.
We’re almost done! Put on some dark blue or black mascara!
Last, put on some pale or shear lip gloss!

Gabriella Fallacy

March 22, 2012 in January 2012 Articles

How to color your hair without dye

Thing’s you’ll need:
Eye shadow
Make-up brush

Get a bunch of crazy colors use the brush and put the blush and/or eye shadow wherever you want the color. And your done.