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SCENE QUEENS® – NeonDizzyKitty

April 25, 2013 in April 2013 Articles, April 2013 SQ Models

We all know that if you are different, then you are judged. Scene
Queens are called Queens for a reason because we lead. Even through
all the hate-filled stares we get, and like myself some looked down on
by family. But in the end, We were the ones who dared to be different.
Who can judge us for that? When they didn’t have what it takes to be
separate from the rest. All Scene Queens are different but we are all
alike too, And we continue to grow and support each other. Anyone can
be a Scene Queen! Laugh at anyone who tells you otherwise, And make a
huge Scene.









April 18, 2013 in April 2013 SQ Models


SCENE QUEENS® – New Feeby Fails photos

April 16, 2013 in April 2013 SQ Models

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