You are browsing the archive for June 2012 SQ Models.

June 2012 SQ Models – Jayne E’

June 28, 2012 in June 2012 SQ Models

June 2012 SQ Models – AuroraJaneMonroe

June 23, 2012 in June 2012 SQ Models

June 2012 SQ Models – Feebyfails

June 17, 2012 in June 2012 SQ Models

Being a scene Queen is about exspressing your Originality There’s only
one of you. Be who you are act the way you want.Dont try and be
someone you’re not…Be you enjoy life.



June 2012 SQ Models – Deisyonfire

June 16, 2012 in June 2012 SQ Models

being scene means not caring what others say about what you wear, or
how big your hair is or how dark your makeup is. (and having the best
hair ever!!) t(-.-t)

June 2012 SQ Models – Fiona Fiction

June 16, 2012 in June 2012 SQ Models

June 2012 SQ Models – Feebyfails

June 16, 2012 in June 2012 SQ Models

About self harming don’t do it just because it take’s away the pain
… do some drawings instead..

June 2012 SQ Models – Envy

June 6, 2012 in June 2012 SQ Models

Scene is being yourself. It’s something that was created by you, on
how to express yourself regardless of critics. There is no outline for
what is scene, because it’s all about expression. The hair, make-up,
name, style and voice is all about what makes you, you. So let
yourself do the styling.

June 2012 SQ Models – Shailylamewmew Zombehh

June 6, 2012 in June 2012 SQ Models

This Is my newww hairrrrr!!! 😀 LIKEEE


June 2012 SQ Models – Joseygenocide

June 6, 2012 in June 2012 SQ Models

A new trend of fake piercings seems to be what’s hot. No pain no gain
though. You cannot fake the look of a real piercing. Yet for those
people who cant take the pain, they can now fake the pain, no harm

June 2012 SQ Models – Chey

June 6, 2012 in June 2012 SQ Models

Idk im just crazy!