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April 2, 2012 in The SceneKing

How to do scene hair
(with hair like mine^-^)

well I have half a head of hair basically, so this is for people with
similar hair and scene style c:

1)Straighten all your hair. (I have one of those mini straighteners,
they half with the shorter hair on one of your sides)
2)Either use a comb, or if you have one a teasing brush and balk comb
the side of your hair with the most hair.
3)Hairspray where you teased and comb down hair over the knots.
If you have hair putty, rub it on your hands, and between your fingers
and dispute it among the hair you didn’t tease, shake your hair a
little and spray over c:

Well that’s all! I hope this helped all the people with only one side
of hair^-^


March 31, 2012 in The SceneKing

So I have short hair and If you look at my pics I look good with short hair. Well, what I have notice a lot of girls look ok with short hair, but then they look weird or ugly with long.  :”(   How do you look good with long hair when literally you have had short hair all your life?? How do you tease those suckers????? Short hair (bout up to my shoulders) is much easier to tease! I want to grow my hair out longer but once again… yea so if you can help me it would be muy fantastico!!!!!!!!!  😉  like that?? lol i said it in spanish.  TEEHEE

by Bailey


March 29, 2012 in The SceneKing

I have a BIG problem I want to die my hair and my mom and dad wont let me die my other then its natural color, what do I do 


March 20, 2012 in The SceneKing


This article will be about scene jewelry.Scene jewelry is often kiddish, whimsical,and cute,but it can also be dressy and serious.So here’s my tips.
When your just going to school its ok to were little cute robots or pandas,whatever you prefer, especially if you have uniform.You can show off your own style without getting in trouble.I suggest you pick out your outfit 1st.Then you choose a color that is in your outfit.If your shirt has say..a radio on it your necklace doesn’t have to be a radio,mix it up.Choose jewelry the color you chose.And be happy with what you were.
When you are taking pictures for a sitemodleing site,or just your FB,you will want to dress up more,but you don’t have to keeping it simple is cool also.Don’t let all your jewelry match,and don’t were 1 color were lots.But don’t were so much jewelry were you feel like your heads about to fall off,its so heavy, it’ll show through in your pictures.
Finally my last section,dressing up.When you dress up you should try pastels and neutrals,but don’t loose your style cuz your dressing up.Were studded rings,bracelet,ect.Or were a cute little headband with a rose on it.Don’t were to much glitter,or studs,people will think your trying to hard.Just were enough to catch someones eye.

Remember keep your own style,be you don’t think you have to be a certain way if you wanna be scene add your own thoughts and ideas. 🙂



March 19, 2012 in The SceneKing

Over time, in the American society, even now, the coloured people have
always been looked down on. Over the past few years, an amazing,
beautiful style has come out as ‘scene’. The majority of these Scene
Queens or Scene Kings are white or ‘Angelos’. Why? Because society has
told people of colour our skin isn’t beautiful because it’s dark. But
along with beautiful white Scene Queens, I am proud to say that I have
also seen dazzling Mexican, Asian and black scene girls. I think it’s
important to let every ethnicity be free to be who they are, without
taking anyone’s crap for it. So this is why I, want to be part of

Jane Insane

March 19, 2012 in The SceneKing

I’m pretty sure a lot of Scene Queens are judged for how they look.
But who cares! It’s what we like and what we are into! Yeah…our hair
is big, our make up is funky, and our clothing is flabbergasting!
Good! We’re unique in our own way! Enjoy how you are! Love life!

what scene means to me.

March 13, 2012 in The SceneKing

Oh Look I’ve Got Big Hair. And Ugly Makeup And Loud! I’m Scene. WORNG! Being scene is being creative funny random lound and pruond loves life and being diffrent. I Don’t  like to label my self but if i did i would call my self scene. I’m A “MIXED” scene. That means i ‘m colored and have this and that. I’m mixed with Black, White, Naitve American, Freach And Spainsh! Yes, I’m A REDBONE XD. I have bi racelay hai and its hard to keep up so i just keep it in biads XD. Being unique might sound hard to do to many people. I believe being unique is letting your own character show and embracing your thoughts and feelings. I love showing the world my real personality because that is what makes me different from the rest. I believe if you try your hardest you will succeed in anything you desire. I certainly believe that my life will go on into an amazing road trip. Learning new things, meeting interesting people, and being creative in my own unique way. I can not even explain how wonderful it feels to be liked so much when all you are is just being yourself. So why do many people try to be fake and start being posers? Everyone is beautiful in their own way. Why dont they embrace it? It is a wonderful feeling. It makes you feel bubbly inside. Also, when people see scene kids the first thing most people thing of is, “what is wrong with that child?” Nothing is wrong with us being scene. When people ask scene kids why we are this way, it is not just because we think it is cool. We like to be unique, we love to show our true colors, we love to be fun and so different looking. Scene kids are and or should be an insperation to many people, not anything different! . were spical in our own way!


– bliss<3

New SQ Member – Jennie Le Sexx

March 11, 2012 in The SceneKing

Flip Flops!

March 11, 2012 in The SceneKing

i loooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeee my girls they rock socks with flip flops!! xP


March 11, 2012 in The SceneKing

wats up world?