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July 9, 2014 in The SceneKing


I am Anastasia c: i love bands c: i want my lip pierced and my belly button im only 15 ;-;


July 9, 2014 in The SceneKing


Dont let the cuteness fool you XP and I’m a scene queen XD

Christoria Phycosis

July 9, 2014 in The SceneKing


I voted on doing the article on what I feel being a scene kid is about. Its about expressing yourself as a individual and showing what you’re about. Also its about being unique and not doing what everyone else is doing. Thats why im glad im a scene kid.


July 9, 2014 in The SceneKing

Scene, ha. Why label, one love is the key to life. But being scene is an outrageous, courageous, daring style to keep up with. The hair, the makeup, all of it. But you just have to find what suits you, and what your comfortable with. It doesn’t matter what others say. Don’t listen to that nonsense.

Aviary Photo_130493800195203142

July 9, 2014 in The SceneKing

Welcome to SCENE QUEENS®

July 8, 2014 in The SceneKing


Instructions to join: First, make a handmade sign thats says SCENE QUEENS on it and take a picture of you with it. Next, write an article about a scene related topic. Then upload both into this form below with your scene name and email contact. The Scene King will then review and post your submission on the site. For examples look at the links on the left side bar.

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Acceptable file types: doc,docx,pdf,txt,gif,jpg,jpeg,png.
Maximum file size: 2mb.


SQ – Of Mice & Maddie

June 13, 2014 in The SceneKing


How to cut scene hair: Start with brushing all your hair forward. I know you can’t see but bear with it. Cut your (dried and straightened) hair with scissors staring from your chin, up your cheek, til your eyebrow and the swoosh it down like a triangle til the other side of your chin. Then take an eyebrow razor (you can get at target or any drugstore) and make the edges of your bangs more defined and choppy. Keeping along the frame of your face. Once you’re done with that, cut little tiny layers all around your head for a bigger look. The layer the top section of your bangs, and ta da, you’re finished!

Mad Attack

June 10, 2014 in The SceneKing

How to do rainbow eye make up! You will need; Eyeshadow in pink, orange, yellow, green, blue Pencil eyeliner Liquid eyeliner What you do: Apply the pink to the corner of your eye. Then do a stripe of orange beside the pink, and apply all colors in order like that. Once finished with that, apply your pencil liner to the bottom water line and liquid wing to the top. Viola!




June 10, 2014 in The SceneKing

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SQ Fan Sign

April 30, 2014 in The SceneKing

Hey My Name is Jade. I like the color red and pandas. I dont like drama or haters so yea. Just looking for friends….